Growing Your World

By Adela Penagos, PhD

I conduct the Spanish classes I teach exclusively in the target language, and my students do not always appreciate it. These courses are well beyond the language requirement and the students indicate they want to gain near-native fluency. Therefore, I often wonder, why do students of a romance language want it to be similar to English (a Germanic one)? And why don’t they understand that the benefits of speaking another language go well beyond fluency?

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It Is An Art: Listen Up!

By Adela Penagos, PhD

During the summer, I tour universities in the US and abroad in an effort to find various academic options for the students I advise. Because I believe that fit is as important as intellectual, social, and personal support for success, I spend significant time attending admissions information sessions and participating in campus tours. These events provide me with a general sense of the university, usually enabling me to learn the general information they provide to students and their families. 

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The Pre-Med Path: Accomplishing Your Goal

By Adela Penagos, PhD

Every year, at every institution where I have served as an academic adviser, many of the incoming first year students, declare pre-med as their academic intent.  During my initial conversation, I try to understand why the students are contemplating this choice as sometimes it stems from family and personal pressure that could set everyone up for disappointment.

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Getting Glowing Recommendations

By Adela Penagos, PhD

Each academic year, I get several requests from current and former students to recommend them for study abroad and graduate or professional programs, fellowships, internships, and other opportunities. Whenever the student is a strong candidate for his or her pursuit, I agree to strongly support him or her and it is a pleasure to write a letter on his or her behalf. However, if my letter is not going to set the student apart, I decline the request. I would like to offer you some tips on how to ensure that your recommendation request will translate into a glowing endorsement:

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New Year, New Plans

By Adela Penagos, PhD, President

I was packing for an upcoming trip when the phone rang. A student who had been deferred by all colleges from early action (EA) to regular decision (RD) wanted to see if I would work with him to update schools on all accomplishments to date since he had applied.

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A Leader Can Follow

By Emilio Joubert, Social Media Intern

Having just recently begun my junior year at Georgetown University, I have been reflecting on the main reasons I’ve been able to succeed during my time in college. While I have good study habits, manage to maintain a solid sleep schedule and don’t get overly involved, the key to my success is my ability to be an effective mentee.

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Your MVPs

The semester is underway and faculty across campuses have settled into their office hours.  However, as I walk the hallways of the institutions I tour, or sit in my own office during office hours, I cannot help by wonder, why is this one of the most undervalued resource in college life?  When I talk to alumni across the nation they all agree that they wish someone would had mentioned the importance of getting to know their professors, so how can you take advantage of your MVPs: Most Valued Professors?

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